Monday, March 15, 2010

Licky Puppy

Disclaimer: I should start off by saying yes, I know it could be worse. Other people have dogs who chew on table legs, eat slippers, dig thru couch cushions, bite the heel off a pair of new boots, rip up carpet and gnaw holes in the kitchen drywall. So I'm completely aware that what I'm going to complain about is totally lame in comparison. 
Our puppy has an obsession with licking. Everything. All household objects within reach of his furry little legs have been slobbered on.  It's not uncommon for me to turn around and find our puppy licking a doorframe, shoe, pillow or his own butt.  

It would be kind of cute if Forest just gave a few licks and then stopped, but most of the time he acts like whatever he's licking is the yummiest thing that's ever been in his mouth and he would be thrilled to continue licking instead of eating, drinking or breathing for the rest of his life. 

"Yum, octopusy."

 Baby Forest licking condensation off the bottom of a soda can.

Cats purr when they're happy, Forest licks when he's happy. Or sad, playful, bored, excited, constipated, distracted and sleepy.

The fact that some people let Forest lick their faces just boggles my mind. A few months ago I was picking our puppy up from doggy daycare when they casually informed me that Forest ate some dog poop during a play session. "But don't worry, we brushed his teeth." Immediately I was thinking: Brushed his teeth? Did you also scrape his tongue; maybe wipe off his gums a little? The only question I managed to form into a coherent statement was "Umm, was it his poop?" Like somehow that would make it better, but no, it was not his poop. These people have actually watched Forest eat dog excrement and yet still let him lick their faces! (If I ever hear a child say that s/he wants to grow up to become a vet, I'm busting out that story. Kids should be warned about stuff like this.)

Don't worry folks, I've thoroughly disinfected this pillow.


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